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Mountain Peak Salt on a Rope

Mountain Peak Salt on a Rope

Regular price $23.99
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Mountain Peak Salt licks are an easy and economical way to satisfy your animal’s dietary needs. The all-natural Himalayan Salt contains minerals essential to animal health. Among the minerals are:

  • Calcium – promotes strong bones and muscular strength
  • Magnesium – provides relief from tired and aching bones
  • Potassium – promotes blood and heart health

Horses must drink enough water to maintain health and avoid the hazards of colic. Salt is of great assistance in this area of health and nutrition. Salt-on-a-rope is ideal for stalled horses, around unfamiliar water on trail rides or simply unwilling to drink as much water as they should. The additional water consumed by the horse will help cleanse any toxins and aid in the prevention of digestive problems by balancing the pH levels and electrolytes.

For the playful horse, the Mountain Peak Salt lick is entertaining!

The Himalayan salt is resistant to rain and will only disintegrate through consumption, therefore eliminating waste. Do protect the rock from flood conditions to avoid excessive loss. Mountain Peak Salt cannot be bitten, allowing it to last longer than processed salts and mineral bricks.

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